Friday, January 14, 2011

CHARACTERIZATION found within "The Kite Runner"

The protagonist of the story as well as its narrator is Amir. He is the son of a rich successful businessman in Kabul. Amir's dilemma at the start of the story is wanting Baba's approval. One night Amir over heard Baba talking to his best friend about how Hassan does all of Amirs battles for him. This made Amir think Baba wished he were more like Hassan and was jealous when Baba would show affection towards Hassan. That is why Amir let Hassan get raped the night of the kite fight. In order to get respect from Baba, he had to present him with the last cut kite. After allowing Hassan to be raped, Amir is not any happier. The guilt overpowers everything, and Amir realizes his selfishness cost him his happiness instead of increasing it.

When Amir adopts Sohrab, it almost makes up for everything that Amir let happen to Hassan. Sohrab also becomes a substitute for the child that he and Soraya cant have themselves. Amir is a loving father for Sohrab, which is is half nephew, and makes peace with his past.

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